Allen's Hummingbird feeding on a Pride of Madera Bush
Black Skimmer Fishing passing a Marbled Godwit
American Brown Pelican looking to Dive
American Brown Pelican looking to Dive
American Brown Pelican with a Fish
Double Crested Cormorant in Breeding Plumage
Male Bufflehead Duck
Great Blue Heron returning to the awaiting 3 Chicks in the nest
Black -bellied Whistling Ducks
Cattle Egret with nesting material
Roseate Spoonbill
Glossy Ibus
Mute Swan with 6 chicks
Canada Goose with Goslings
Mating Oystercatchers
Pair of Anhinga's on the nest
Tricolored Heron taking off with a small fish
Wood Stork returning to the nest
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
American Bittern with food
Graceful Great Great Egret Landing
Osprey with one Talon snatch
Reddish Egret Dancing and Prancing
Sandhill Cranes at Sunset
Sandhill Cranes flying past Moon setting over the Chupaderas 
Sandhill Crane teaching Chicks how to dig for food
Snow Goose landing in a corn field at Bosque Del Apache
Snow Geese Blast off at Bosque Del Apache
A possible Coyote caused this Blast Off 
Snowy Egret coming in for a landing
Snowy Egret being chased for his fish
Elegant Tern hovering looking to dive for a fish
Elegant Tern shaking off water after successfully catching a fish
White Pelican Taking Off
White Pelican Flying overhead
White and Brown Pelicans feeding together
White Face Ibis Landing
American Bittern in Flight
CA Gull eating an Octopus. He is known to us local photographers as "Octogull"
"Greenie" Green Heron taking off
Kingfisher in Flight
Black Neck Stilt with 1 chick under wing and the other out in front

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